Newborn babies are super cute and adorable, they have smooth and delicate skin, smell wonderfully… they are just perfect creatures. However, they do also many funny and weird things that at first might surprise you. These things make them even more adorable!!
They fart with a poker face
The digestive system of an infant is still developing and in addition, baby swallow a lot of air during eating, therefore its body produces a lot of gases. The release of gases is very loud, long and… well, let’s say the smell it not pleasant. What is the best is that when infant farts, usually its facial expression doesn’t change even a little bit! Infants fart with a poker face! However, remember that farting is also very relieving for the baby and sometimes helps during colic.
They burp like drinkers
What didn’t get out with the fart will get out with the burp :) After eating infant have to burp, it’s just healthy.
They are bald and toothless like old men
Such bald and toothless baby like a mini old man :)
They have LONG hiccups
Infant hiccups last definitely longer than adult ones. And even if we change the baby position, give him a milk or change a diaper, it won’t help. After few minutes the hiccups passes away spontaneously.
They poop "right on time"
Some infant poop few times a day, others just once a day. However, it happens many times that when you are in a hurry and you have to go somewhere quickly, or you’re waiting in a line to the doctor or you went for a coffee with your friends, this is a perfect time for a poop! And in addition very big and very smelly one. Some kids can somehow get their feet and back dirty with their poop. Hilarious :)
They pee when naked
This happens not only to boy, but only baby girls. They start peeing during changing the diaper, exactly when the dirty one is taken off, but the new one is not yet on their butt. Many infants pee also after the bath time – prepare that the towel will be wet not only from the water :) And you will also “get hurt” many times!